Thursday, 3 July 2014

Summer Dreams #1

16th June- 30th June: Celebration

This has been a time of complete and utter relief and bewilderment at actually having free time; leading to some extensive partying. There has been celebration dinners, farewell meals, belated 18th birthday parties and surprisingly best of all, Prom.

A High School Musical Style Jump is defiantly the way to declare your exams are officially over 
I have got a Nando’s card, drunk too much, stayed up too late, danced the night away, chatted endlessly to strangers, played truth or dare and watched the sun rise. In hindsight I have had a great time after finishing exams and sadly all these events have reinforced how much I will miss the friendships that will inevitably not last.

These celebrations have given me time to chill, have actual entertaining time with my pals and the ability to act a fool. So if you have the chance to throw a house party (obviously with the permission of your parents or house mates) then defiantly do it because I guarantee you’ll have a hoot! And if you do decide to live out the partying dream then go down a different avenue to normal and play some old school tunes! At my prom most of the night we played ‘primary school hits’ such as, YMCA, Cotton Eye Joe and 5,6,7,8; which got everyone from students to teachers on their feet making an unforgettable evening.

If anyone was wondering my Prom dress is by a brand called 'Virgos Lounge' which has its own website and is also sold on asos
Another summer suggestion would be to watch the sun rise. In my case this was completely accidental because I attended an all-nighter house party but, I was so excited (and relieved) to see the sun rise at 5:30am. Although, it was slightly disappointing- lacking the pretty colours and shapes seen in the movies or Instagram- there was a sense of reassurance and joy. Something I would defiantly recommend getting up early for.

I think we might have taken the final pose to 'Best Song Ever' a little to seriously? 
I feel this post may have made me sound far cooler than I actually am and although I shall maintain I am fabulous, I can almost guarantee that ‘Summer Dreams #2’will probably be a lot calmer. What have you been up to in recent holidays, I would love to get some fun ideas!

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Summer Memory Track: Social Casualty- 5 Seconds of Summer 

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