1000 page views probably is not a big deal for the majority of people reading this blog- if there's actually anyone reading this because I'm still convinced that the majority of the views are from myself refreshing the page. But, I'm a sentimental and emotional person, who enjoys marking every occasion big or small, so we shall celebrate this 1000 landmark!
It's not uncommon in this internet world for people to have a 1,000 followers or now what is emerging in the YouTube world hitting 100,000 or even 1 million subscribers. I do it myself, I admit, if I see someone's subscription box at 6,000 subscribers I think they're a 'small' blogger or YouTuber when in fact that's actually an insane number! Picture 6,000 people that's probably triple my school population- that's a heck of a lot of people! And they're all real life people, taking time out of their day to read nonsense that someone's written on the internet. I sometimes think what is the actual point of blogging, especially when it appears and feels as though no one is reading my 'marvellous' content. Then I realise, I blog because I ultimately enjoy talking to myself and expressing how I feel. I love the concept of being able to scroll back through old blog posts to see what I was occurring in my life. I love the community when reading other blogs, gaining other people's advice and building a bond even though you have no idea who the person is. Blogging is a completely 21st century thing to do, people outside our generation probably don't understand why we're gripped by it but, it's that constant connection that makes it thrilling!
To be honest I still don't understand how half of blogs loving works. I make at least one spelling and grammar mistake per blog post. I constantly write posts on the move and then take days to actually go on my computer and upload them. In essence I have no idea what I'm doing, that can pretty much be applied to my whole life! But, I've thoroughly enjoyed this progress so far and am chuffed that I've actually stuck and am trying to achieve my goal, whatever that is!
Every time anyone comments or follows me on a post, I gain a wave of enthusiasm. To think that a real life human being somewhere in the world is reading and seemingly enjoying what I write is fantastic and I cannot thank you enough for taking some of your previous time to bother! *gives internet hug*
Any questions you have, blogs you think I would enjoy, or ideas for blog posts then comment down below- because y'know I love me some interaction!
Peace Out My Lovelies xxx
Track of the week: Ella Henderson- Ghost
Congratulations on getting 1000 views :) No number is ever small and there's no reason why you can't celebrate! Thanks for visiting my blog xxx
ReplyDeleteWhat preceded water baptism under the New Covenant?
Under the New Covenant terms for pardon, all who were baptized in water believed before they were baptized.
Jesus said in (Mark 16:16 Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.)
Jesus did not say those who are baptized and then believe will be saved. Water baptism always follows belief. There is no Scripture under the New Covenant where water baptism precedes belief.
Infants do not qualify for baptism because they cannot believe.
Atheists do not qualify for water baptism because they have not believed. Infants and atheists are both non-believers.
On the Day of Pentecost all three thousand had some things in common.
1. They heard Peter preach Jesus as a miracle worker. They heard about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. They heard Jesus preached as the Lord and Messiah.
Infants cannot understand the meaning of the apostle Peter's sermon. They cannot believe. They do not qualify for water baptism.
2. Peter told the three thousand what they had to do after they believed. (Acts 2:38 And Peter replied, "Each one of you must turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of yours sins; then you also shall receive this git, the Holy Spirit.)
Infants do not qualify for water baptism. They cannot turn from sin because they are not guilty of sin. They cannot return to God because they have not left God, they are innocent of any sin. Infants cannot follow the instructions to believe, repent and be baptized.
Acts 2:40-41 Then Peter preached a long sermon, telling about Jesus and strongly urging all his listeners to save themselves from the evils of their nations. 41 And those who believed Peter were baptized--- about 3,000 in all.
Peter was not urging infants to save themselves. Infants do not understand sermons. Those who believed were baptized. Infants cannot believe, they were not baptized on the Day of Pentecost.
1. Acts 2:22-41 (The 3000)
2. Acts 8:13 (Simon)
3. Acts 8:26-38 (The eunuch)
4. Acts 22:6-16 (Saul)
5. Acts 10:30-47 (Cornelius)
6. Acts 16:13-15 (Lydia)
7. Acts 16:29-34 (The jailer and his household were all believers. Infants cannot believe.)
8. Acts 18:8 (Crispus and his household were all believers. Infants cannot believe, they were not baptized.)
9.Acts 19:3-5 (They were baptized in the name of the Lord (New Covenant baptism) after they believed, not before they believed.
If infants can be baptized for the forgiveness of sins before they believe, then atheists can also be baptized for the forgiveness of sins before they believe.
(Scripture from: The Living Bible ---Paraphrased)
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