Friday, 25 July 2014

Feminist Punting

I live a short train journey from the wonderful and historic city that is Cambridge; meaning I often dismiss the city and just focus on its brilliant shopping ability. I have wanted to go Punting for the last couple of years but just have simply not been able to find the time or funding for this adventure. Luckily my friends listen to my dreams and for my eighteenth birthday took me on this famous tourist attraction. 

 Guys I was not disappointed! The views were truly beautiful, with every inch of the river displaying historic beauty and nature.  You can opt for a toured guide, whereby an employee punts for you while giving you the fun facts of Cambridge or alternatively you can just go down the river on your own accord giving punting a go. Obviously this gives you a less informative experience but I can guarantee it makes it a lot more amusing. 

Clearly, as strong independent women, my four girlfriends and I chose to have a whirl at punting ourselves and although we may have not become pros we were successful in completing our mission. It was hilarious attempting to avoid crashing into other boats and trees as well as, attempting avoiding falling into the water. We also gained a couple of fun facts from ear wigging into the tour guides facts- did you know that apparently you can walk from Cambridge to Oxford on land solely owned by Trinity University! (fascinating I know) So, in my humble opinion, I would definitely recommend punting yourself because I think it makes a much more memorable experience; just perhaps ask for some tips from the staff before setting sail. 

Now I'm going to make the assumption that the majority of you reading this blog are in fact females, shocking I know! So I think you'll agree with me that we are perfectly capable of doing anything we put are minds to. We made 'friends' with nearly every boat that we passed down the river -mainly due to us crashing or being incapable of chatting quietly. And while the majority of people just gave funny banter, I was personally shocked by how many people commented on the fact that we were an all female boat, with some people asking where our boyfriends were *cough, single, cough* and one man even offering to join our boat so that a 'stronger' male could help us out.  I am aware that I am probably overthinking this situation and that the feminist in me is just suddenly making an appearance but I just don't understand why they thought it was necessary or indeed positive to make those comments.  Us five gals had a fabulous time punting and it was honestly not that hard to punt; especially with us all taking turns, so defiantly do not let the physical nature put you off! 

 If you ever get the opportunity for a day trip to Cambridge then take it! It is truly vibrant and historic city, with so much to do and explore. They have shops of all nature, sprawling parks and tourist attractions; with punting being the pinnacle of all of these. I hope that my cheeky iPhone snaps have demonstrated to you that we all defiantly need to explore 'local' areas because otherwise we can walk straight past them without even noticing. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the day: Little Death- You Me At Six 

1 comment:

  1. Woah, Cambridge seems really beautiful! I'll probably do that if I ever come to Cambridge, so thanks for the idea! ;)
    (And, I totally agree with you about this feminist thing, I mean, women don't need men to do physical stuff!;) )
