Thursday, 30 October 2014

Ed Sheeran @ The O2 12.10.14

Ed Sheehan is uniquely talented. He stood on that O2 stage in front of 20,000 people and commanded the stage only armed with his voice, loop pedal and guitar; a fate which few others could achieve. The crowd hanged of every word and knew every note to every song. Ed's easy going nature and interaction with the crowd made it feel like a local small town gig as opposed to one of the biggest venues in the UK; with the continuous backing vocals from the crowd being the only clue to how many people were watching. 

There are few people you talk to who say they do not like Ed Sheeran- he is one of the few artists in the world that my University Flat all agree on listening too, which is a challenge considering everyone has different music tastes. I think it is the mixture of slow and up-tempo songs; which people can relate too as well as, his image of being 'normal'. He is one of the biggest artists in the world, but he has never lost his natural image. He is not 'cool' or unrelatable, you can imagine meeting him down the pub or being one of your friends; and he continues this attitude throughout all his gigs. Chatting to the crowd, laughing at his own jokes and encouraging a sing-a-long so epic that he wants you to go home 'without a voice.' 

A mixture of tracks from both albums '+' and 'X' meant a continuous change and variety in the setlist. I love hearing the build up of tracks as he adds more guitar and vocals, as well as tracks you normally wouldn't hear such as 'Gold Rush and the mash up of 'Don't' and 'No Diggity'.  I would have loved to have heard his cover of Snow Patrols 'Chasing Cars' but, I am sure the YouTube covers do it all the justice in the world. 

I would also like to congratulate Saint Raymond on actually gaining the attention of the crowd, the biggest challenge for any opening act. I had looked up a couple of tracks before the gig and he is defiantly an artist that I am going to keep my eyes open for in the future and add to my Spotify playlist. 

I travelled all the way back home to London to see Eddy and boy he did not disappoint; seeing everyone's pictures from him still touring the UK is making me insanely jealous. Let me know what your favourite Ed Sheeran song is and let me know if you've seen any other blog posts of him, I would love to read them! 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Fall At Your Feet- Saint Raymond 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

The good, the bad and the 'brilliant': Freshers Edition #2

So here's round 2 of the 'The good, the bad and the 'brilliant': Freshers Edition' and this post will focus on the flip side of freshers. I have had a fabulous time so far at university but, that defiantly doesn't mean there aren't some aspects you miss from home! 

Side note : this is obviously only my experience of freshers and is only my opinion on the first 2 weeks of university; my opinions, I can guarantee will change over the three years of completely my degree! 

The 'bad':
1. Fending for yourself! I never realised how much time or thought goes into cooking all your meals and doing your own laundry. At home there was a magical fairy (my mum) that took care of all these chores whereas, now I've had to learn how to cook and look after myself like an adult. 

2. Missing home! It's so much more than missing your family and friends with it getting down to ridculous things such as your bed and arriving home to your dinner being on the table. 

3. Getting lost; I have spent the last 2 weeks aimlessly walking with absolutely no idea of where my destination is. Although, this has made me meet loads of new people, due to the fact I have to always ask for directions, it does get a little tiresome at points 

4. Education. With the build up of freshers I think people, myself included, sometimes forget that we go to university to gain a degree. The learning style at university is drastically different to school and initially can be slightly overwhelming; though everyday it does get a little easier. Be warned that the library is in fact a place of nightmares and feels very much like a maze 

5. Juggling the work load. This is the case in every aspect of life, struggling to balance your social life and your studies! However I have found it a little more challenging these past few weeks; partly because after the lengthy summer holidays I am no longer used to studying but also because I am now basically living with my best friends meaning distractions 24/7 

As you can tell these are minor little problems that are even ironing out as we speak. But, I think it's important to note for myself and for you guys that it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed or emotional during the first few weeks! 

For the highlights of freshers, and let me tell you that it has been truly amazing, check out my other blog post here:

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Shake It Off- Taylor swift 

Saturday, 18 October 2014

The good, the bad and the 'brilliant': Freshers Edition

Sorry for my lack of Internet activity but, I've been a busy little bee over the last couple of weeks- moving away from home and embarking on the challenge of university! So I'm going to catch you up on my life but, also give you some suggestions and reality checks if you are considering going to university! 

One blog post is going to be all the positives and highlights of the first couple of weeks at uni- all the aspects you would probably associate with freshers! The other will show my struggles and the reality of moving away from home. 

Side note : this is obviously only my experience of freshers and is only my opinion on the first few weeks of university; my opinions, I can guarantee will change over the three years of completing my degree! 

Toga Party 
The Good: 
1. Partying! This is what everyone associates with freshers and it is honestly awesome. There are different events every night; varying from silent discos, bar crawls and the freshers ball. This is the best way to meet people and bond with your flat mates. It is a completely different experience to normally going out at home and it's amazing to explore the bars that another city has to offer.

2. Independence, you know longer have to answer to anyone (apart from ringing home every couple of days to assure your parents that you are in fact alive.) There is no one their to judge you for being a little to drunk, sleeping in or staying out too late

3. Meeting new people! I have to admit I was petrified about this aspect but I have been seriously blessed with amazing flat mates. From day dot we bonded instantly and have supported each other ever since. Just make sure you jump in with as much enthusiasm as you can muster because otherwise you will miss out on so many opportunities. 

4. Freshers fayre= free stuff! I have now got enough pens to last me 3 years and enough domino pizza vouchers to feed my whole halls complex; embrace the free stuff, especially when you realise you'll be living on your student budget. 

5. Confidence! Since arriving in my new city I have embraced the saying 'if you don't ask, you don't get'. This has made me meet so many new people; in bars, in my lectures or on campus and I have also been known to gain a couple of cheeky discounts too 

I can honestly say that starting this new chapter in my life has resulted in some of the funniest and best weeks of my life and that now things have calmed down a little, I will hopefully be back to my usual blogging updates! 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Bleeding Out- Imagine Dragons 

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Uni Panic

This blog is my little space in the world to document my adventures, feelings and emotions! All those things are probably at their height right now; so this is a quickly typed post that I wrote laying in bed last night! No pictures or edits; just simply how I felt at that exact second! 

Tomorrow I am moving to university; to a city for 3 years which ultimately I could not find on a map! I've visited it once; having not even looked in the actual city or in the accommodation I'm staying in. I will no no one and have none of my support network living right next to me when everything goes wrong or I need a little pick me up and to be honest I am now absolutely bricking it! 

I've tried to ignore the reality of moving 2 hours away from home getting fully involved in the excitement of homeware- who doesn't love some good Tupperware! But now, the reality of flying from the nest, is starting to settle in. 

I know this is exactly what I want to do with my life, so in that respect I am very excited! However, that does not prevent the fact that from tomorrow I will have to cook all my own meals, do my own washing and learn how to budget. When previously my biggest budgeting concern was if I could afford to buy another pair of shoes and  my go to meal was boiling pasta! 

It is the fear of the unknown- in a couple of days I could either be having the time of my life in those forthcoming three years or hate every second- which is slightly concerning when you have no back up plan at all! I realise that in absolute terms, moving to university is not a big deal and that in years to come it will be a small event that occurred in my life. But, in relative terms this is probably the biggest step I've taken in my insignificant life and to be honest that is pretty terrifying! How are you all feeling about your next big steps? And what's your way of coping, let me know 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Wanted- Hunter Hayes 

This post is dedicated to one of my best friends and the only one who properly knows about my blog, Jennifer! She will probably be snooping at some point in the future so here's a little hey from me xxx

Monday, 15 September 2014

Summer Dreams #9

Summer 2014: Part-time employment  

I am blue in the face from saying this but, we need to make sure we seize every opportunity that life has to offer. But unfortunately a lot of the time, the thing that prevents us from having fun is a distinct lack of funds and the only way to do this is to get a job *shrieks with fear* 

Now I can sympathise with you guys who are yelling at your screen 'I'm trying to get a job but, nobody is hiring' because I hear you loud and clear! It took me months to find a part-time job even though I live in a town which houses nearly every supermarket chain you could name (Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Asda, Aldi, Iceland, Co-op, Tescos- you name them, we have them!) But my advice would be to not be disheartened because eventually you will find an opening. 
Ok I left the office once and saw this beauty, it's not all hard work 
I'm extremely lucky because as far as a first time job goes I love were I work.  I work in the Welcome Centre of the local Zoo. Now, while that sounds extremely exciting, I never see an animal and instead devote my day to operating a till, answering phones and sending e-mails. So while it's not necessary the job itself that brings me joy throughout the day; it is undeniable that the people I work with are bloody fantastic. The office is full of constant banter and conversation with my colleagues basically just being a little bit mad.  This nice working environment kind of softens the blow that I am earning minimum wage. Meaning until my 18th Birthday I was earning £3.72 an hour and now that I am legally deemed an adult I feel practically a millionaire with the pay rise to £5.03. Now obviously a Zoo is going to be more popular in the school holidays and weekends; making it perfect seasonal employment for a student such as myself because it allows me to earn the most money when I'm spending the most money!! 

Becoming slightly more independent and earning my own money has since allowed me to go on more of the adventures that I want to, as demonstrated in my last Road Trip post. Undeniably it can be annoying being sat at till all day when the sun is blearing or being unable to make every outing with your friends because you have to work, but on the other hand it brings so much more opportunity. It forces you to make plans because you want to embrace the time you have off and make some memories with the well deserved money you have earned. 

As one of my teachers used to say, 'work hard and play harder'! Make sure you let having a job be an opportunity not a burden. I am 95% sure that I turned up to work this week still slightly drunk (not a top tip) but with my best acting and a can of coke I was ready to rock 'n' roll.  Turn up to work a little bit tired or hungover because as long as you can do the work who cares how you do it, put on your best show face and plough your way through the day. You have plenty of time to sleep but only a selected time to adventure so use it!

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx 

Track of the week: All of the Stars- Ed Sheeran (The Fault In Our Stars SoundTrack) 

Friday, 12 September 2014

5 Top Tips: How to Survive Sixth Form

I have just finished two hard years at Sixth Form and have miraculously found my way into a Russell Group University (me. smug? neverr) so I feel I may have some little bits of advice that will ease that transition from GCSE to A-level. 

1.Keep on top of your work
I completely understand if initially you think A-levels should be a walk in the park because you are now only studying 3 or 4 subjects compared to mammoth task of GCSE’s. WRONG! The work load is immensely larger as you begin in-depth studies of these couple of subjects, with teachers not holding back on extra homework or dreaded extra reading. Most tasks won’t be easy 20 minute work sheets; so don’t leave your work to the night before its due in. Be organised and start working on it as soon as you can because otherwise the work will keep piling up. 

2.Use your study periods wisely 
You can have plenty of time to have fun outside school if you work hard in study periods. If you spend these precious hours a week mucking about with your pals it will become increasingly hard to socialise outside of school. Perhaps set aside 1 hour of study period a week were you can have a chat with your friends but, the rest of the time try to hit the books. 

3.Revise throughout the year 
You cannot wing A-levels. You could be the most intelligent human on earth but you will struggle to hit the high grades without some graft. It’s challenging or near impossible to look at your folder for the first time the night before an exam and cram like at GCSE. I would suggest that every time your teacher gives you a little test in class or you finish a unit, start making revision cards, posters or notes; otherwise when it comes to the serious exam season you will be overwhelmed with your endless notes. 

4. Don’t Panic 
It is recognised that it is a massive step from GCSE to A-levels so don’t panic if you’re not hitting the grades straight away because you will eventually build up the knowledge in both the subject and in how to answer the question to be able to succeed. Try to do well at AS because it will reduce your stress at A2 by about 90% and will also mean you won’t have to do any dreaded resists. However, if you’re already an A2 student with poor AS grades again, don’t give up! I know so many people who had to re-sit certain modules- myself included- to get the grade needed for university or work; it is never too late to succeed. 

'We're all in this together' 
5. 'Work hard, play harder'- My Head of Sixth Forms favourite quote  
So far I have made Sixth Form sound like a complete horror but, to be honest despite the hard work it is one of best experiences of your life. It can be an opportunity to make new friends, rule the school and have a more mutual relationship with teachers. It will be a time marked down forever in your life, not just for your final grades, but all the firsts you will experience. It’ll probably be the first time you drink alcohol, learn to drive or experience general freedom. When you have the opportunity to have some fun embrace it with open hands because that is what Sixth Form is all about! 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Rumour Mill- We Are The In Crowd 

Monday, 1 September 2014

Summer Dreams #8

20th- 31st August 2014: Family Fun 

I am blessed to have a super close extended family and this year marked our fifth family holiday together with all my aunts, uncles and cousins. I loved spending 10 days with my nearest and dearest because it meant not only did we catch up about our busy lives but, also got to explore the past and create new memories. I grew up with my cousins from day one; we are all super close in age so our parents would take it in turns baby sitting so they could all work- resulting in some truly horrifying  stories.  

This years trip was to stunning coast of Dalaman Turkey; as the pictures show from the boat trip I took it was honestly breath taking! The sea was so clear and the views stunning. The Hilton Dalaman is honestly the best hotel I have ever stayed in with impeccable service, food and rooms. 

It was a completely chilled holiday; lounging by the pool in the day, then eating and drinking in the evening- the perfect relaxing atmosphere.We had our share of adventure though with midnight swims and something I thought I never would do, cliff jumping!! 

No one is ever going to be as loyal and supportive as your family, so keep them close! As you get older and everyone starts flying the nest it gets harder to keep that connection but, even if its only a day that you can spare for some real family bonding do it because nothing is better than their love and laughter. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx 

Track of the week: That's What You Get- Paramore 

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Summer Dreams #7

14th August- 19th August: Hatfield Forest

There is very rarely a day in this hectic world were you can take a day to sit with friends, in the sun with beautiful scenery and relax. This was exactly the point to my little excursion to a fairly local forest. It was a day full of laughter, tanning, eating and life chats. 

I think I’m becoming old or alternatively blogging obsessed because I just love scenery and keep being constantly astounded by the everyday sights we see. I think that now I have little to worry about, I am taking this breathe in my life to enjoy everyone and everything around me and I suggest you guys do the same!

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Starlight- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Summer Dreams #6

  7th-13th August : Explore your surroundings 

The majority of people think that they live in the most boring places on earth, me included but, sometimes we are just get too caught up in everyday life or are normal routes to notice the beauty or opportunities that are right in front of us. Now I am defiantly not saying that after this little adventure you are going to think you live in the most beautiful or dramatic area that graced this planet but; it'll pass a couple of hours, you'll have a giggle and you may find a little hidden gem stone. 

Now it's a pretty simple task, go on an unplanned walk for at least 30 minutes, taking at least 3 right and 3 left turns. We had to carry this out as part of my friends art college assignment; but it ended up being a 4 hour hilarious adventure, where we were caught in a random storm and beautiful sunshine. 

We found housing estates and little forests right on our door steps and best of all it didn't cost a single penny. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx 

Track of the week: Girls- Mayday Parade 

In case you didn't notice it's a smiley face with 'love' written on it; so tumblr 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

I am a university student

You are now reading a blog written by a university student. Yes, you read that right, I only bloody well got into my first choice university!!

Results day has been a looming black cloud this summer and to say that Thursday 14th August 2014 was a day that would determine the rest of my future, was no small exaggeration. Yes, I know university is not the be all and end all of life but, it was something that I desperately wanted to do and having no back up plans meant that I was lacking any other options. So the build up to D-day was rather intense, shown by the fact that when I logged onto UCAS track at 7:45am I burst into snot filled tears instantly. 

Results day could have gone either way 
I am going to be attending a Russel Group university, studying a subject that I love and moving out of home in just over a month- something that I had never truly expected to happen. I was ready and waiting to go through clearing; having googled 'what is clearing' and downloading the Telegraph's app. It is surreal that the work of the last 2 years has paid off and my goal has been achieved. 

I didn't actually achieve my required grades gaining ABB instead of the desired AAB but, I couldn't give a hoot to be perfectly honest with you because the end goal was achieved. I am ready to go on this exciting journey and obviously bring you guys along with me. 

How did your results day? Good luck if you're awaiting your GCSE grades next week or any other results, I  shall say a little pray for you all. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Last Night- The Vamps 

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Summer Dreams #5

31st July- 6th August: Road Trips

A traditional association with summer is road trips and the reason for that is because they are awesome. The car or train journey can be just as fun as the day itself; with my friends and I fulfilling the stereotype and belting out tunes on our way to Frinton-On-Sea this week. We were blessed with glorious sunshine all day; which combined with our natural comedic ability meant a beautiful day by the sea. 

For the first time since starting this blog I have nothing else to say and am instead just going to let the pictures do the talking.

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the Week: Gotta Go My Own Way- High School Musical 2 SoundTrack 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Summer Dreams #4

21st July- 30th July: Get out of your comfort zone 

I am a talker. If someone appears vaguely interested in what I've got to say then I can ramble on for minutes hours years. However, I have a distinct fear of meeting new people. I realise that my panic is often ridiculous because at the end of the day, I am a rather confident and loud individual but, that does not stop me from bricking it. I have to force myself to go out in these situations and I am always overjoyed that I forced myself to go because, 95% of the time making new pals is amazing!

This week it was my best friends birthday party. I know her from primary school but, we have since gone to different schools; which meant I knew nobody at this event- especially as my plus one bailed on me last minute. I obviously forced myself to go like the trooper I am,  with the comfort that I could always go and hide with her mum upstairs. But, I did not need to worry, after ignoring the slightly awkward start, mingling was easy enough and I soon found some new BFFL's- proven in the fact that we have since followed each other on Twitter. 

Now obviously you guys do not need to do something as extreme as rocking up somewhere and not knowing anyone, because although I had a great time I am quite happy to not repeat the event. But, summer is a time for trying new things and meeting new people. When going out perhaps try not just sitting with your old pals, go and chat with someone new. Alternatively wear something that you wouldn't normally or go on an adventure. Summer was designed to make memories but, the only way to truly do that is to get out of your comfort zone and perhaps even be a little reckless. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Heart and Soul- Twin Atlantic 

'Summer Dreams' Series so far:

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Summer Essentials 2014

Everywhere this week on blogs and vlogs I have been seeing peoples suggestions on how to survive this glorious weather that we are surprisingly experiencing in the UK at the moment. So I thought I would give you my top 5 lifestyle, beauty and fashion tips for Summer.

1. Urban decay eye primer is a must have for me. I am a lover of eye make up but, due to my oily skin and the outside elements I had always found that my eyeshadow and eyeliner either creased or smudged. The Urban decay eye primer completely eradicated that problem and keeps my make up looking mighty fine come rain, snow or shine.

2. As mentioned above I suffer with oily skin which in turn can sometimes make my face look like a mirror; especially in this heat. I used to be constantly reapplying powder but, sometimes it simply just didn't do the trick or I looked slightly caked in make up. However, this summer I made the revolutionary purchase of Superdrugs own brand 'shine remover tissues.' They basically feel like tissue paper which you wipe across your face, absorbing the excess oil and massively reducing shine. This either means you don't need to powder at all or gives you the perfect surface to add a little powder while still looking natural.

3. Water. An age old essential for summer. I always carry a bottle around in my bag, meaning that I am always hydrated but also means I don't need to waste my money on something that is ultimately free.

4.  Now although we are experiencing marvellous temperatures in the South of England, it does not mean that there has been an absence of rain. There has been incredible thunder storms and living in the UK, lets be honest you can never be to far from a shower. I always carry an umbrella in my handbag just as a precaution and you would be surprised how often it requires use.

5. Sunglasses solve all kind of problems and could perhaps be one of my favourite things about summer. They automatically add style to an outfit, as well as obviously protecting your precious little eyes from those nasty sun beams. They can also be used as a source of deception- didn't have time to do your make up? Not a problem; just whack some shades on and nobody would know the different! Didn't want to style your hair? Use the sunglasses to push your hair back. Stylish, simple and protective! 

I would love to hear your summer staples in the comments! I am not used to these extended periods of heat and while I am loving every single second, any tips would be useful 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Heart- It's War

Friday, 25 July 2014

Feminist Punting

I live a short train journey from the wonderful and historic city that is Cambridge; meaning I often dismiss the city and just focus on its brilliant shopping ability. I have wanted to go Punting for the last couple of years but just have simply not been able to find the time or funding for this adventure. Luckily my friends listen to my dreams and for my eighteenth birthday took me on this famous tourist attraction. 

 Guys I was not disappointed! The views were truly beautiful, with every inch of the river displaying historic beauty and nature.  You can opt for a toured guide, whereby an employee punts for you while giving you the fun facts of Cambridge or alternatively you can just go down the river on your own accord giving punting a go. Obviously this gives you a less informative experience but I can guarantee it makes it a lot more amusing. 

Clearly, as strong independent women, my four girlfriends and I chose to have a whirl at punting ourselves and although we may have not become pros we were successful in completing our mission. It was hilarious attempting to avoid crashing into other boats and trees as well as, attempting avoiding falling into the water. We also gained a couple of fun facts from ear wigging into the tour guides facts- did you know that apparently you can walk from Cambridge to Oxford on land solely owned by Trinity University! (fascinating I know) So, in my humble opinion, I would definitely recommend punting yourself because I think it makes a much more memorable experience; just perhaps ask for some tips from the staff before setting sail. 

Now I'm going to make the assumption that the majority of you reading this blog are in fact females, shocking I know! So I think you'll agree with me that we are perfectly capable of doing anything we put are minds to. We made 'friends' with nearly every boat that we passed down the river -mainly due to us crashing or being incapable of chatting quietly. And while the majority of people just gave funny banter, I was personally shocked by how many people commented on the fact that we were an all female boat, with some people asking where our boyfriends were *cough, single, cough* and one man even offering to join our boat so that a 'stronger' male could help us out.  I am aware that I am probably overthinking this situation and that the feminist in me is just suddenly making an appearance but I just don't understand why they thought it was necessary or indeed positive to make those comments.  Us five gals had a fabulous time punting and it was honestly not that hard to punt; especially with us all taking turns, so defiantly do not let the physical nature put you off! 

 If you ever get the opportunity for a day trip to Cambridge then take it! It is truly vibrant and historic city, with so much to do and explore. They have shops of all nature, sprawling parks and tourist attractions; with punting being the pinnacle of all of these. I hope that my cheeky iPhone snaps have demonstrated to you that we all defiantly need to explore 'local' areas because otherwise we can walk straight past them without even noticing. 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the day: Little Death- You Me At Six 

Monday, 21 July 2014

Summer Dreams #3

9th July- 20th July: The week I legally became an adult 

I think it shows that my summer holiday mission of being adventerous has been a success this week as I’m a whole 4 days behind on Home and Away and I do not miss an episode lightly my friends. The reason for this is because it has been MY BIRTHDAY and I have reached the great big landmark of 18 meaning that in the UK I am legally an adult allowing me to vote, a rise in the minimum wage to £5.03 and more importantly being able to drink alcoholic beverages and enter into pubs- fickle I know! Its been a week of complete highs so we’re gonna have a hopefully short chat about the beautiful people I love, who spoilt me rotten and made it a week to remember. 

First of all on the 9th July I passed my driving test (first time round, might I add) which was a massive accomplishment for me as well as huge weight of my shoulders. It set the tone for the rest of the week and meant I could celebrate with zero worries as driving had been a huge challenge for me; if you want to read more about my struggles here's my whole blogpost about it:

This meant that all focus could be put into celebrations! All my life I have loved occasions of any form and birthdays, especially mine, are at the pinnacle of that. So for my eighteenth my family and friends went all out, god bless their souls, to ensure that it I couldn’t have had a better birthday week- because lets be honest a day is simply not long enough to celebrate me entering the world. 

Every year for my birthday we throw a huge family BBQ and this year was no different. However, for this ‘landmark’ birthday my parents threw in a couple of surprises such as, decorations, balloons, fireworks, confetti cannons and a collage of my all my birthdays. This combined with games that have become traditions in my family such as water balloons, great food and phenomenal presents meant it exceeded all my expectations.

Originally on my actual birthday all my pals, old and new, were meant to come round my house just for a chilled day of chatter and laughter. My old school friends had other ideas and I was whisked away (that is a lie I had to wait at the train station for an hour due to cancelled trains) for a day trip to Cambridge. We had a picnic full of champagne and cake as well as present opening in one of their beautiful parks before the highlight of the day was revealed; punting! This has been on my summer to-do-list for about 3 years but it has been a challenge to find a time when everyone has the money and availability to all go out on the water. My friends, the observant kids that they are, realised my desire to get involved in this local tourist attraction and saw a prime birthday present for the girl who apparently 'has everything’. I’m going to do a whole blog post soon about the hilarity of punting and to show you all the excessive pictures of the views; I’ll post the link in the comments when its published so take a little look if you’re interested my loves. 

If you were wondering, yes, I did wear a tiara all day leading to every single acquaintance judging my sanity but, lets be honest when else can you get away with wearing a crown in broad daylight.  
The day did not end there though! My friends had a few more surprises up their sleeves with us heading of to the local Weatherspoons (Its cheap and cheerful) to meet all my sixth form friends. The fact that my two friendship groups had been serectly planning behind my back and had put so much effort into my birthday, combined with them jumping out in front of me and scaring the living daylights out me led me to shed a little overwhelmed tear. It saw the end to the perfect day, a ‘sophisticated’ and chilled birthday which was full of laughter, love and surprises. Still to this moment I am shocked that my friends managed to pull every single surprise off without me having a clue, normally every year I guess my presents without hesitation but this year I had no clue about anything- congrats girls. 

Now before you think I am the most boring 18 year old ever by not properly going out when I can actually legally drink don’t panic! We waited for Thursday night aka Student Night to hit the town properly. There was laughter, singing, dancing, drinking and free champagne OLAY! Everyone found the right balance of being merry and having a good time; meaning a rather hilarious night. 

Now I realise that this blog post perhaps has not given you guys actual suggestions for summer activities, especially if you’re under 18- I sympathise, I really do- but I hope it has perhaps given you a little incentive to go out and grab opportunities. Don’t wait for a massive occasion such as a birthday to plan a group outing, go and do it now! Half the fun is making a plan and seeing it emerge successfully; even if it does take you a couple of months to save the money up to do what you want. Get with your friends and research local attractions or discounted tickets, with that in itself being a fun day in but, also probably opening yours eyes to everything in your local area. Although this week has been filled with lavish days out, the highlight has defiantly been those people who I was blessed to spend the days with; which is the message I seem to be realising this summer!

What have you been up to so far? and do you have any more suggestions of fun things to do this holiday? Lets get creative!

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the Week: 18- 5 Seconds of Summer 

Saturday, 19 July 2014

The hardship of learning to drive

Nothing less than a miracle occurred last Thursday and that was the fact that I passed my driving test first time. After months of very expensive and frustrating lessons I can actually legally driving on my own, which is kind of alarming for myself and the general population. 

Most of my friends loved the idea of being able to drive and were bouncing at the chance to get behind the wheel. Me on the other hand, I was petrified! My mum eventually forced me into by booking lessons behind my back and for the whole of my first lesson I was visibly shaking from head to toe. I was not built for the driving; I hated being outside my comfort zone and not instantly being good at something. I like to put everything into neat little boxes in my head, with everything being black and white. Driving is a completely grey area; every time you hit the road situations change and you are constantly making decisions; which was something that took me months to build the confidence to deal with. 

I preserved with lessons despite my hatred and distinct lack of natural flare because I knew it was a life skill that I needed. I saw more and more of my friends pass and the freedom linked to driving is insane. We no longer have to constantly rely on public transport or our parents giving us lifts everywhere; we can spontaneously decide to go for lunch and everything doesn't need to be planned to the second. It was such a huge motivation for the continuous torture that I found lessons and clearly my persistence paid off. 

What I am trying to explain is don't give up when it comes to driving or anything for that matter because you will eventually get there. Before I started to learn how to drive I was disheartened by the fact that everyone appeared to love driving or how they appeared to master it so rapidly when it took me hours to even understand gear changes. I have since realised that is not the case, people just keep quiet about their mistakes. I did not take that route and I told everyone my apparently 'hilarious' tales which then encouraged my pals to tell me their experiences which were not as rosy as it may have first appeared. 

I've come to realisation that there are very few people who can instantly pick up a skill and it is instead your persistence, motivation and self-belief that will see you succeed! In hindsight I realise I could have passed my test a lot sooner if I believed in my own ability and took control in my lessons. To this day I am still sarcastic to people about my driving but I finally know in my head and heart that I am a competent driver. So if it's driving, exams, jobs or socially believe in yourself because that is 90% of the battle! 

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Track of the week: Seventeen Forever- Metro Station