Ed Sheehan is uniquely talented. He stood on that O2 stage in front of 20,000 people and commanded the stage only armed with his voice, loop pedal and guitar; a fate which few others could achieve. The crowd hanged of every word and knew every note to every song. Ed's easy going nature and interaction with the crowd made it feel like a local small town gig as opposed to one of the biggest venues in the UK; with the continuous backing vocals from the crowd being the only clue to how many people were watching.
There are few people you talk to who say they do not like Ed Sheeran- he is one of the few artists in the world that my University Flat all agree on listening too, which is a challenge considering everyone has different music tastes. I think it is the mixture of slow and up-tempo songs; which people can relate too as well as, his image of being 'normal'. He is one of the biggest artists in the world, but he has never lost his natural image. He is not 'cool' or unrelatable, you can imagine meeting him down the pub or being one of your friends; and he continues this attitude throughout all his gigs. Chatting to the crowd, laughing at his own jokes and encouraging a sing-a-long so epic that he wants you to go home 'without a voice.'
A mixture of tracks from both albums '+' and 'X' meant a continuous change and variety in the setlist. I love hearing the build up of tracks as he adds more guitar and vocals, as well as tracks you normally wouldn't hear such as 'Gold Rush and the mash up of 'Don't' and 'No Diggity'. I would have loved to have heard his cover of Snow Patrols 'Chasing Cars' but, I am sure the YouTube covers do it all the justice in the world.
I would also like to congratulate Saint Raymond on actually gaining the attention of the crowd, the biggest challenge for any opening act. I had looked up a couple of tracks before the gig and he is defiantly an artist that I am going to keep my eyes open for in the future and add to my Spotify playlist.
I travelled all the way back home to London to see Eddy and boy he did not disappoint; seeing everyone's pictures from him still touring the UK is making me insanely jealous. Let me know what your favourite Ed Sheeran song is and let me know if you've seen any other blog posts of him, I would love to read them!
Peace Out My Lovelies xxx
Fall At Your Feet- Saint Raymond
I just found your blog, I really like it that is so cool you went to see Ed Sheeran! My friends went and she said he was incredible. I am so jealous. What university do you go to, sorry I am new here? Please go check out my blog and follow if you like it any advice let me know xx