So clearly I am no time lord and no matter how much I play Wizzard it shall never be Christmas everyday but, does that mean we cannot have a little festive in our January lives- I think not! So here are my top tips to keep the festive period alive no matter the season!
2. Who says glitter has to only be for Christmas? Wear something shiny in everyday life, even if it's some ear rings or some jazzy socks- honestly the smallest things can bring a smile to your face
3. As much as you may moan about your family, you can't help but deny that it is at least always eventful when you have a huge gathering. Organise a massive dinner or drinks party with your extended family regularly throughout the year; giving you an opportunity to catch up but also reflect
4. Reflect, Christmas is always a time of reminiscing the good times and traditions. If life gets hectic throughout the year, do exactly that! Look back through old pictures and memories. Even better make a photo album or CD with all those great memories of 2013
5. Is there any point in New Year resolutions? Now just because it's going to
be January, that does not mean you need to have a sudden change! Being
realistic if you've waited until the new year, then you either don't really
want to change or you don't need to change. So don't stop doing or eating the
things you love because you believe you need to loose weight or become
'sensible', remember everything in moderation is the way to live! So if you
fancy a biscuit, like you do at Christmas, eat a dam biscuit 6. Everyone loves Christmas songs and if you don't then you are truly in denial. Every time a festive song comes on admit you start tapping your foot and you know more words than you would like to admit as well as it always putting a smile on your face. So make a silly, happy playlist with either old school classics or my personal favourite, Disney that will always put a smile on your face
7. Christmas is the season of good will but, don't just limit it to then. Spend your year trying to put a smile on people's faces and giving to those less fortunate than yourself, it'll make you happy as well as others!
So I hope you had a Merry Christmas and can attempt to keep the festive spirit alive all year round
Peace out my lovelies xxx
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