Sunday, 11 May 2014

Exam Season

Guys, it’s happened. Exams are upon us, we can no longer pretend they’re not happening; instead it’s a very real reality that I’m afraid that we’re all going to have to live with. Though, instead of revising I am fully evoked in the age old mission that is procrastination! This week I have hidden in my room- so my parents think I am revising- and instead done some extensive online shopping, scrolled through blogs, watched every single YouTube video in and outside my extensive subscription box and somehow ordered One Direction tickets? Yes, I realise I have problem and we need to deal with it, urgently!
For everyone at my school and from excessive stalking of the whole entire planet on every social media platform I realise that perhaps nearly every student between the ages of 16 and 21 are drowning in fear, stress, procrastination and revision. Although, I find this significantly reassuring that everyone from the UK to France to Australia are all struggling with their studies and that it’s not just me praying that the markers are overly generous this year; it does make me wonder the real point of exams. At the end of the day 14 years of education finishes with some letters to mark your GCSE’s- in my case some very good letters- 8A’s, 4B’s- I think you’ll find, me? boasting? Neverrrr. But, then when I finish my A-levels and pray to the man in the sky that I come out with the grades I need, nobody is going to care about my GCSE’s and this will be continually circle when I finish my degree and gain a big grown up job. So why are we all stressing so much? Because unfortunately in our society grades matter and 16 years of education are going to come down to 6 exams for me to prove that I have the intellectual ability to be a superstar *cries a little bit inside*

This pressure clearly effects everyone in different ways. Personally I love to pretend that I don’t care (I care a lot) and go into denial. This often leads me to cry extensively about anything slightly emotional or stressful such as, dementia TV programmes and driving lessons. I also seem to spend money, for what I hope to be the bright sunny future I see after exams. I have bought clothes online for my future summer adventures and have started planning events 2 months in advance. Lord! I booked One Direction tickets for Wembley Stadium on Friday night, due to sheer peer pressure and for the need to have something to look forward too. I don’t even like One Direction! Translation: Actually I do quiet like good old 1D, shown in the fact that I know all the words to all the songs, they seem like nice lads, but I try to pretend to be musically superior to the majority of my friends who like them. So, although I’m going to pretend I hate every single moment of being there, I know I will dance and sing until my lungs hurt and am actually super looking forward to it, especially as it’s in the middle of my exams and it’ll be a great stress release! Also, slightly more excited by the fact that my 5 Seconds of Summer are supporting them y’know, olay!!

I sometimes fear that I am going a little bit mad, I know I defiantly do sound so in this blog post, but then I see my friends watching every single episode of Games of Thrones (I’m being good and waiting till after exams haahaa) or getting paralytically drunk, I realise that I’m perhaps doing ok. Maybe me writing a blog post about exams and my fear of failing is actually far better than revising in the first place? You don’t agree? You think I should go work? I pinkie promise I will after this and maybe a snack break as well ok?

Whooo that blank page filled up a little quicker than anticipated, sorry that my ramblings seem to get longer by the week! How’s all your exams going? Or are some of you the lucky buggers without exams? What’s your top tip to motivate yourself to revise, apart from the need to get the grades? Please let me know, I need all the help I can get! Hope you have a good week,

Peace Out My Lovelies xxx

Song of the week: Lifening- Snow Patrol 

1 comment:

  1. so funny! true true! :*

    GIVEAWAY on my blog!
