My Bedroom Part 1 |
My Bedroom Part 2 |
My old room was basically a combination of my personality and likes because I began to stick up posters, pictures and quotes all over my walls, in order to cover the lilac colour. When it finally came round to decorating my room I did it with a tear in my eye because I loved the craziness that had become embedded in my walls.
All my furniture is from when I initially decorated my room when I was around 7- hence the lilac- all of which I believe was from Ikea. It was a nightmare to put together if I remember correctly but, is extremely affordable and has lasted through a lot of bangs and heavy clothes. In the left of this picture you can see my jewelry table, which will be more detailed in 'My Bedroom Part 2' as well as, an overall panorama of the main section of my room.
I created my own statement wall, with a collection of World War II propaganda posters. The History nerd that I am came out in full force and I became obsessed with the fashion trend at the time of 'Keep Calm and Carry On' this was then supported by Godmother who had access to all different type of posters, some more famous than others. Shown below are some of my favourite posters and as a Historian I have always been interested in how the government motivated people in the war, with them all being extremely clever in their persuasion techniques.

Then I have my bookshelf, which is covered with my favorite novels and sentimental bits and bobs such as, the named coke cans (my favorite drink) and little boxes.
All around these shelves I had inspirational quotes from books, films and famous people as well as, little pieces that my friends had made for me such as cards. I also had various photo frames, that I had collected to suit my new room (see the white creep in) which I will give the links of in 'My Bedroom Part 2'.
I really liked my 'LOVE' statement piece and wish it would suit my new room. Again I got it for my Birthday a couple of years ago and believe it was from somewhere that you wouldn't expect like Tesco's.
So that was my old room, I really wish I had taken more detailed and zoomed in pictures because so much of it I loved. You'll just have to look really closely at the pictures if you want to see stuff in more detail and feel free to comment if you have any questions or if you know any good room blogs or YouTube videos, because I love gathering inspiration. My Bedroom Part 2 will be up next week, so see you then!
Peace Out My Lovelies xxx
I love your bedroom! I follow you :)
ReplyDeleteThank you hun xx