Sunday, 24 November 2013

Social Media

The question of this generation seems to be whether social media is a good or bad thing. There are obviously clear positives to world of the internet. It means you can find out about people’s lives across the globe, stalk celebrities, bond with people who have the same obsessions as you, google anything but, as with anything there clear downsides to the web.

The internet is a perfect place to secretly be yourself, you can be parts of fandom which your friends may not be and be as a freakishly obsessed as others. It means you can bind together with these invisible strangers over fan art, gossip and news. It is clear the power of the internet, just look at the celebrities of today from One Direction to Kim Kardashian, people make their name from the internet. Some people argue that it’s a bad thing that people become famous with ‘no talent’ or that people begin to like musicians not because of their sound but their personalities. I think it means people become well known in a more organic way. An act can slowly build up a fan base without a record label or tv executives. Someone can start out by posting YouTube videos and playing small shows. Sure, you can argue that eventually this turns into record labels telling the artist what to post but, it still means a deeper connection between the act and fan.

Also, think how stuck we would be if we couldn’t ‘google’ everything. The inter-web is a place for of knowledge, which is just waiting to be found. Today, if you have a question or want a random fact, you can find the answer in seconds without any hassle.  Yesterday, was the big fight between Froch and Grove’s and I was out with my family, they were all asking me to look on Twitter to see how it was going even though they have no idea how social media works, demonstrating the power of the web. As well as facts it can also bring humour and life lessons. Look at Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Keek, Vine, Bloggers and Vloggers they all make you laugh, even if you’re hating on the world but, they can also teach you to do Maths or apply eyeliner. The internet is a ball of both light hearted and serious knowledge.

Yes, it is black hole which you get sucked into and can ‘waste’ many of hours of your life absorbed in, clicking on one link after another but, it opens your horizons and helps you create dreams that you would never do normally. For me the web has installed my inner fan girl, making me realise that there are fandoms as huge as One Direction but, for the bands that I’m obsessed with (I have nothing against One Direction and am kind of a secret fan girl but, hush #teampunkrock) but, has also made me realise that I can do what I want. It’s a constant motivator to have fun every day, appreciate what I’ve got and dream big because anything is possible.
Think before you speak 

Social Media is the best way to stay in touch with friends. My whole secondary school group of friends went to different schools for sixth form but, Whatsapp has meant that in a group chat we still no every detail of every day and have stayed in contact with each other.  It also keeps me in contact with my new friends, because even though we see each other every day, in the hussle and bussle of everyday life we rarely actually get to talk.

However, when on the internet remember every word you write sounds harsher. People can’t hear the sarcasm in your voice, the true meaning of the sentence or your instant reaction to a message, everything sounds that much harsher. So think before you send a message, does it sound like you and don’t hide behind the wall of the web; only say what you would to that persons face.  Social Media is the thing that units are generation but, there are constant reminders around the world that we need to use it for right. 

Peace out my lovelies xxx

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