This week’s been a weird week and appears to be constant
reminder of death and the possibilities. On Sunday I picked up The Fault In Our
Stars by John Green at my friend’s house and was instantly hooked. I read the
entire book on Sunday and it was a brilliant read that left me with all types
of mixed emotions. On Tuesday two girls
around my age died in a car crash, with one of them previously being someone I
danced with and whom was in the year above me at school. This caused heartbreak
to my whole school and is a horror story around my whole county. I then watched
the Finn Hudson Glee episode, which reflects on the death of Cory Montieth and
although Glee is a fun show there are always serious undertones. And finally, I
watched danisnotonfire’s ‘existential crisis’* video, which reflected so many
things I think we all think about.

For example, today I could have taken home study in the
afternoon and gone to the pub for a distant friend’s birthday. But, I looked at
the bigger picture. I had stacks of work to do and I knew I was probably more
likely to regret not doing it than going to the pub. So I did the mature thing
and looked to the future and had a productive afternoon in the library.
So live by the two life mottos of our generation YOLO (You
Only Live Once) and YOYO (You’re Only Young Once) but, don’t take them to the
extreme. Find that balance of going out and working hard, which should
hopefully make the best lives for all of us!
Peace out my lovelies xxxx
*existential crisis is a moment at which an individual
questions the very foundations of his or her life: whether his or her life has
any meaning, purpose or value.
The Fault In Our Stars:
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