been a week of triumphant in my life this week and that is because of three
very simple reasons. First and defiantly most important (in my eyes at least)
is the fact that I slayed everybody in a very intense game of Monopoly! This
was no half hearted victory guys and girls, it was the best god dam game I have
ever played- 6 hotels, 14 houses and 5 random properties later (yes you heard
me right SIX HOTELS) I was the only player left and was wallowing
in my fake money- me, competitive? NEVER (was that a completely pointless
story that I shared just because I am still buzzing from the victory 2 days
later, yes, yes it was.)

links to success number two and that has been spending and most importantly
cherishing time with my friends. We haven't done anything fancy- the majority
of it was spent in school as always- but we laughed and sang our way through!
We've also made the commitment recently to be more spontaneous and actually
make an effort to see each other- we've had movie marathons, monopoly nights
and park days, which have had us chocking with laughter!
I turnt to the dark side and decided that this was the week that I would get
fit- yes, I know, I horrify myself! I learnt from an early age to shake the
body that god gave me and quickly came to the realisation that I was not built
for running- so have never been one to be a debby downer on my body and have
always been pessimistic of those people who 'enjoy running' and 'hate carbs and
cake'- honestly who do they think they are?
until about 2 years ago I was a keen team sports player- give me a sport with a
ball and my friends and I will give it a really good crack- I played netball,
rugby, hockey, rounders, the whole shebang! It was an opportunity to let my
competitive edge shine, have a laugh with my friends and yell at a couple of
people but, most importantly I was getting my daily exercise and forgetting
that I was running around like a mad women!
No, I
was never fit- make me run cross country and I literally die- but I did have
some form of sporting ability. Three and a half months into the year of 2014, I
thought I might give this whole exercise thing a whirl for third time this year
and blow me away, it's been relatively successful- I know, it's a shocker! Monday,
I went to Zumba with my mother and a girl pal, which was surprisingly bearable
and far more enjoyable than running I tell you! Every part of your body is used
and it is a laugh seeing these women, myself included, attempt exotic dance
moves. The great thing as well is you can go at any pace you want, so no matter
your fitness level you can give this a whirl! Thursday, I then went for a run
(I feel I portrayed myself and my fellow non-runners by attempting this but,
don't worry I treated myself to a chocolate muffin afterwards so I haven't gone
completely insane.) I think I looked like I was going to stab every passing
pedestrian throughout this horrific process and it was the most torturous 30
minutes of my life but, hey we've all got to start somewhere right? The hope is
I carry this on for the rest of my life ( a bit optimistic) perhaps the next
month then, because I usually quit these exercise fads after about a week! I'll
keep you updated to see if I stick to this exercise, I highly doubt it but, we
sure can dream hey?

here's to those small triumphs, *raises imaginary cup* Did you pass a
test, find that missing top or remember to clean out your sock draw? I hear you
all saying yes; so go and celebrate whatever you achieved this week!
Out My Lovelies xxx
Happy St. Patricks to everyone around the world, embrace that inner Irish that
I'm sure is inside all of you *blows air kisses of love*
Artist of the week: everything and
anything that is Busted